Project Team
Colin DeLong
Colin is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science with an emphasis on data mining and machine learning. His research is focused on the integration of search/recommendation engine technology with automatically-extracted domain knowledge. He is also an avid gamer and, not surprisingly, plays a decent amount of Halo 3 when he's not working, researching, or enjoying the great outdoors.
Kendrick Erickson
Kendrick has a B.A. in Computer Science. He is particularly interested in how humans interact with technology and how that interaction can be used for collaborative filtering and knowledge discovery. His varied interests include amateur radio, weather, hockey, and playing the baritone saxophone.
Eric Perrino
Eric has a B.S. in Computer Science. His primary interest is in computer systems and architecture. He also enjoys gaming, biking, fishing, and cooking.
Kyong Shim
Kyong is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science. Her research interests lie at the intersection of computer science, learning sciences, and industrial engineering, including: 1) Scoring and metrics systems - games, sports, learning, operations research, 2) Rating and ranking algorithms, 3) Recommendation systems. She is an outdoor enthusiast and adventurer who enjoys hiking, climbing, biking, kayaking, canoeing, and camping.
Nishith Pathak
Nishith is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and is interested in clustering, social networking, and gaming-related research problems. He has been playing competitive multiplayer games (AoE II, Quake, Starcraft, Halo 3, SF4, etc) for over 15 years, and is most definitely a sniper you will not see first.
Volunteer Content Contributors
Connor Hall
Connor is committed to owning and running his own business once he earns his degree in business administration and finance. He understands the importance of pushing himself to excel in school and accumulating practical experience through collaborative work with others who share his field of interests. In his offtime, Connor enjoys honing his gaming skills, anything related to statistics, snowboarding, go-kart racing, and building his social network both on and offline.